Monday, October 1, 2012

Oct 1 - You Are What You Eat

Chuck & Beans, 1st Aug 2007

  I've opened up today's blog with a cartoon.  I've seen it on quite a few weight related blogs but it wasn't until today that I finally found the original cartoon!  I don't like to use other people's work unless I can adequately credit them, so thank you Brian at Shoebox Blog for producing the cartoon strip Chuck & Beans.  It's brilliant.
  Thanks also go to Bertie for posting this one on Facebook as that's how I finally found the one I was looking for!  That original though is no longer appearing on Shoebox Blog.

  Anyway, after all that pre-ramble... Are we what we eat?

  Well obviously, not literally.  Eating carrots isn't going to turn me into a carrot though contrary-wise, eating fat does turn me fat.  But certainly we are the sum result of our genetics and environment.  What we are born with and what we choose to do with it, including feeding our bodies, all goes in to making up what and who we are.
  And who am I?  I am Jess.  I am an intelligent, shortish, currently fat female with a big smile, curly hair, quick wit, a kind and generous nature and tendency to existential crises.  For some inexplicable reason, today is one of those days.  My place in the universe seems uncertain, aimless and insignificant (though I'll admit that the last one sits perhaps more in the nihilistic camp).
  The trouble with the question 'Who am I?' is that it's one that can never really be answered.  It's even difficult to know where to begin.  Philosophy can offer comfort, consolation* and new ways of dealing with the question, but no philosophy can answer the question for you.  You need to find your own answers to the question of life, the universe and everything.  And though it's a simple answer and it may have worked for Douglas Adams, I'm afraid '42' just doesn't cut it for me.
  I'm not sure if it was thoughts like these that kept me feeling blah all day, or whether the feeling blah has led to these thoughts.  At any rate, for what it's worth they are my thoughts.  I feel mentally and physically drained.  I need a break and I'm thankful that at least I know I have one coming up, but I still have to slog it out a while longer yet.
   I'm not sure why but this has just been a very down day and I'm getting restless too.  There is so much I want to be doing for myself but not enough time to do them.  Work and the internet seem to get in the way so much.  I realise and accept that I have full control over the time the internet takes from me, but work?  There is no one else to pay the bills, so there I sit.  It's not that I don't enjoy my job, a lot of the time I do, especially doing one-on-one training with people, and I certainly love the people I work with.  It's just not where my priorities lie right now and it takes up so much time that I find it frustrating.
  All of this blah-ness manifested itself in a complete lack of desire to exercise this evening so I chose to give myself a rest.  I exercised on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so it won't do me any harm to swap today for the Thursday on which I otherwise would've rested.  Mr Smart did all within his considerable power to get me onto my cross trainer but I just didn't want to today (but huge big thanks to him for always trying, I really do appreciate it always).
  When he realised I was going to be stubborn tonight, Mr Smart even suggested I try out my new dumbbells if I wasn't up to the cross trainer.  But I confessed I'm a little bit scared of injuring myself if I do it wrong.  If any of my friends are familiar with correct strength-training techniques (particularly for women), then now would be a good time to volunteer to come over and help get me started.
  Food for today was:
  • Breakfast was a Mission Rye Wrap spread with the leftover curried egg sandwich filling.
  • Morning snack was a small piece of homemade Banoffee slice brought in by one of my head office team mates.
  • Lunch was a Mission Rye Wrap spread with about 30g Yumi's Creamed Beetroot Dip then topped with 103g of turkey breast, sliced mushrooms, Lebanese cucumber and alfalfa sprouts.  I also had eight Perino snacking tomatoes.
  • Dinner was a 130g piece of pork fillet and a serve of sweet potato fries cooked up in the AirFryer served with steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.
  Hopefully the world will look rosier tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

*Read Alain de Botton's 'The Consolations of Philosophy'


  1. If you are looking for a good guide for strength training, get a copy of a book called Definition. I think the author is Joyce Vedral. It has routines for total beginners and all you need are hand weights. I lost mine moving but you can have it if I find it.

    1. Thanks very much Monkey! All advice and suggestions gratefully taken on board. I can see copies of it on Abebooks so I may well get one :)
