My doctor is fantastic and has already done a GP Management Plan for me and given me referrals for two sessions with a Diabetes Educator and three sessions with a Dietitian. I feel very lucky to have a doctor who cares deeply about the health and well-being of her patients. In a go-go world, it's reassuring that she is willing to take the extra time to provide genuine and thorough care.
The Management Plan has five current health problems, goals relating to them and planned actions or tasks to be undertaken in order to manage them.
- High blood sugar levels: The described goal on the plan is very technical but amounts to maintaining a lower blood sugar level. This will be managed through diet and education and quarterly blood tests.
- Kidney function: The goal is to monitor the kidney funtion. This will be managed though diet and eduction and an annual urine test for microalbumin and creatinine.
- High cholesterol: The goal is to reduce my slightly high cholesterol through diet. An annual blood test will be used to monitor (though I'm guessing at first it'll get done quarterly with the blood sugar levels).
- High blood pressure: The goal is a blood pressure reading of 120/80 (currently around 130/90). This will be managed through exercise and quarterly readings.
- Overweight: The goal is to reduce my weight and I want to thank my doctor for not putting a specific 'goal weight' on it. This will be managed through diet.
Now I did promise to share all the test results so apart from the blood sugar already covered above, here are the rest:
- Vitamin D - I am slight deficient at 36 nmol/L. The desirable level is anything over 50 so my doctor is getting me to take supplements until the levels improve. I need a bit more sun methinks! She did say though, that especially in winter most people have a deficiency in Vitamin D so this isn't a big worry.
- Iron Levels - All within the normal ranges! Though my ferritin levels are at the lower end of the normal scale (36 ug/L, normal range is between 15 and 165).
- Full Blood Examination - My red cells, white cells and platelets are all within normal limits. In fact my platelet count is at the high end of the range!
- Cholesterol - My total cholesterol is 5.3 mmol/L which is within the desirable range of between 0.0 and 5.5 however the "bad" types, triglycerides and LDL, are both a little on the higher side and need to be brought down.
- Minerals / Proteins - All within the normal ranges including calcium!
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - My TSH levels are 1.19 mIU/L which is well within the normal range of between 0.5 and 4.0.
- Vitamin B12 and Folate - My B12 is at 227 pmol/L which is at the lower end of the acceptable range of between 150 and 700 so my doctor will check it again on the next blood test and see whether the dietary changes have improved it at all, and if not she'll consider a supplement. But my folate is ok at 1300 nmol/L which is over the normal minimum of 630.
It was very tasty. I followed it with an extremely sour but yummy Tamarillo!
I don't know what's for dinner as it's dependent on a few other things yet to happen but since I'm one meal down for the day, as long as it's not pizza I expect I'll still be ahead for the day! Thanks again guys for all your feedback and support.
It's a much better journey with friends.
As Ma said - great news that it's nothing irreversible, and am really glad you ended up having the checks at the doctor and that you now know where you stand. It's good to have some indicators you can keep an eye on to watch for improvement over time (and as you say - better that it's not just the kg scale anymore in a way). Love you and am really enjoying being able to come on this journey with you through the blog! xx