Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19 - A Blast From The Past

   I know!  I didn't think I'd photograph this breakfast again so soon either but I tried a new berry mix today.  This one was McCain Baby Strawberry Berry Mix.  I was excited but it seems to thaw slower than the other mix so some of the strawberries were a bit crunchy and as you can see from the still white yoghurt, there was less juice in this one.  I'll finish the pack I have but I don't think I'll get this mix again.  Also, Target has 50% off towels and bath sheets this week.

  I got to work at 7:40am this morning!  Normally I am just managing to slink out of the shower by then.  The phone upgrade at work went well.  The technician was great and coordinated it all so that we barely noticed any outages.  I didn't realise how much work was involved!  He was there from 7:40am to 3:40pm!  At least I don't have to worry about the photocopier upgrade tomorrow, it's my day off so I'm going to IMAX to see the new Batman movie with Mr Smart!

   Lunch was a corn wrap with Rosella fruit chutney, one slice of Bega Extra Light Tasty cheese and some double-smoked ham, lightly toasted in the sandwich press.  With cucumber sticks on the side and a tamarillo for afters.  The tamarillo was not friendly with my lips which must have a small split in them somewhere.
It stung for quite a while!

  I left work at 5pm and rushed home, got changed immediately and on the cross-trainer with Buffy.  It was a two part episode today.. curses!  I didn't have time to watch the next part today as I was expecting company for dinner.  A blast from my past.  His code name of choice, Jack Johnson.
  Jack and I were at high school together.  It's funny, we ran in the same circle of friends but were never really friends ourselves.  We'd say 'Hi', happily greet the other, hang out as part of the group but we never really did anything minus the group.  So why then would I invite him to dinner, this person who apart from occasional bumps into I have not seen in 17 years?  Because sometimes I do these things.  And I'm glad I do.
  There were many tales told of school, and our lives in between then and now.  Woes and joys we'd experienced separately but similarly.  It's not possible to catch up on 17 years in one short evening but the words flowed easily as did smiles and half-laughed groans.

   We had homemade pizza for dinner, a Khobz wholemeal flatbread with Leggo's Pizza Sauce, salami, shredded ham, mushrooms, bocconcini (half as much as the other times because I cut each bambini in half again) and broccolini stalk.  All washed down with 200ml of delicious sweet Sanpellegrino Aranciata Rossa.

  Mid-way through dinner we flicked on Bill Bailey : Part Troll, a stand-up comedy DVD.  It was well received and hearty guffaws emanated from both of us.  Bill Bailey is one of those comedians who just creates an alternate universe on the spot and takes you along for the ride.  I find him extremely entertaining.
  Jack had work in the morning so it was an earlyish night but a good one.  I see no reason to prevent it happening again sometime.  As he yelled out the codename 'Jack Johnson' over his shoulder on the way to his car I knew it sounded familiar, though he claimed to have no idea who it was.  Google was therefore called upon.
Here then for your optical and aural pleasure is 'the real' Jack Johnson.
  Until tomorrow friends,

1 comment:

  1. jack johnson is also a character in futurama(I'm pretty sure), he runs for president against bitter rival john could be simpsons.......
