My mid-morning snack at work was a panama passionfruit slurped up in the kitchen. I noted that the seeds loosen the riper they are.
Lunch was a toasted sandwich comprising two slices of Bürgen Soy-Lin bread, a little smear of Rosella Sweet Mustard Pickles, about 85g of shaved silverside and one slice of Bega Extra Light Tasty cheese. I rounded it off with an Afourer Mandarin. It was a good mandarin; seedless, sweet enough and easy to peel.
My after noon snack was one of the snack packs I made up last night. That is, one dried apricot half, two brazil nuts, two hazelnuts, two pecan halves and four almonds. All of those nuts are skin on, non-salted and the dried apricots are the aussie-grown Angus Park ones. I tried to space them out to stay full longer.
I luckily remembered to visit the doctor on the way home from work. Though perhaps not luckily for her. They had computer problems at their office today and I imagine it must've been quite a long and frustrating day for her. She did very well to be running only 15 minutes by that time of evening. Though I think I may have mentioned before, I never mind waiting for my doctor because at least she treats you properly and with care and close attention. The test I dropped to Dorevitch yesterday morning showed that my kidney function is fine and she re-took my blood pressure which today was a much more reasonable 130/95, still a little high on the diastolic but I'll get it down eventually!
I got home and there was a surprise in the letterbox for me! A CD I had ordered and forgotten about, Old Crow Medicine Show. They are quite popular at the moment and I can't remember where I heard it, but I came across their song Wagon Wheel which was what made me order it. The whole album is quite blue-grassy so Dad and I enjoyed it while I chopped up a kilogram of broccoli!
By the time Dad got here after he'd finished work, I had finished the cross trainer and was about to start on the broccoli soup preparation! A kilogram of broccoli, as called for by the recipe, is about five heads (or at least five of what pass for heads in the supermarket these days). I used my Borner V-Slicer to do the stalks but the florets still needed a rough chop by hand. I think I will need to give in and get a proper mandoline at some point. My point is though, a kilogram of broccoli is rather a large pile before it becomes soup! The soup was done in about an hour and made four generous serves.
While we ate our soup and lightly buttered rolls Dad and I watched the first episode of a 3-part BBC series called Harlots, Housewives & Heroines. The first episodes focussed on the mistresses of Charles II in the 1660s. It was quite interesting and a bit tongue in cheek in spots too!
After dinner I went through my mental diary for the next few days and realised I would have no time for eating the 'spare' two serves until Monday so I therefore put them in the freezer.
We shall see if they return to the light of day in the coming weeks!
Until tomorrow!
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