When they cut it wet they either don't take enough length off because they are worried about how much it will spring up when it dries, or they completely forget about the spring up and take to much off. Also they never thin it out enough when it's wet because they can't tell where the fluffy bits are. So here's the re-cut, thinned, layered and curls as bouncy as ever.
My day was a relatively lazy one. I spent the better part of the morning on the internet playing Teddy's new email game "You so totally would" in which I'm presented with pictures of two aging rock stars and directed to choose which one I'd least object to shagging. He only got me to pick Iggy Pop by placing him opposite Joseph Merricks (The Elephant Man). It makes me laugh when he creates these odd little games.
I did venture out of the house in the afternoon obviously, if only to go to the hairdresser, although it ended up being more. I went to Target after my haircut as they've had all of their homewares marked down this week. I bought a VS Sassoon Hair Dryer which is actually for drying a difficult piece of my food processor, though now that I have one I might also use it for my hair. I also bought a 6 cup muffin pan (the really large kind) and a new bed sheet/quilt cover set and some extra plain pillow cases.

The frontrunner at the moment is the Breville Fast Slow Cooker. It can slow cook, pressure cook and steam! I think the steam function in particular would be very useful going forward. It is also a Choice award winner.
After Target, I went to Woolworths and did a spot of grocery shopping which came to rather more than I'm used to! I think it was due to some of the extra-ordinary items I got this time. I got some Bundaberg Diet Sarsaparilla and Bundaberg Diet Ginger Beer and some Carman's Classic Fruit Muesli due to my parents upcoming visit; I got some new plastic storage containers for organising a few piles of outgoing objects and also a whole heap of different nuts for making up into little snack packs. Apparently nuts make a good between meal snack GI-wise. Hopefully the diabetic educator confirms that at my first appointment which is tomorrow at 9am!
I did manage to do a little more laundry today and I'm gradually tidying the kitchen one item at a time. Progress is slow, but finally visible. I also had a quick video chat to my granny in her nursing home room courtesy of my Dad and his laptop which was a bit of a bright spot. And I did a spot of proof-reading for Mr Smart which I always enjoy. I didn't exercise today but that's ok, I'll get back on it tomorrow. I did eat pretty well today and here is the summary:
Lunch: A wholemeal Khobz wrap, microwaved a little, spread with about 30g of Danish Feta, baby spinach, the leftover lamb roast re-heated, a spoonful or two of the cold pumpkin soup (which is pretty much just pumpkin puree) and some pine nuts to finish it off. It was delicious, and unlike other times, the Khobz wasn't too dry. This was partially due to warming it up in the microwave but also because the feta and the pumpkin provided enough of a creamy texture within.
Afternoon drinkie: My last 200ml Aranciata Rossa (though they were on special at Woolies today so I did get a new six-pack.
I felt I needed it after such a long shopping trip!
Dinner: Homemade pumpkin soup served with a heaped teaspoon of light sour cream in the centre and garnished with a sprig of fresh thyme and a Coles Bakery Rustic Roll lightly buttered (yes, with real butter). I must say, even though I'm only cooking for myself, it's kind of fun to use this as an excuse to garnish food and make it look all pretty. Though clearly from the use of the fantastic plastic, I didn't see fit to use it as an excuse to make extra dishes!
Dessert: 20g of Lindt 85% Cocoa dark chocolate.
So that's pretty much it for the day from me. I got really stuck into my book last night so I'm keen to read on tonight. I will be sure to tell you all about my first trip to the diabetic educator in tomorrow's blog.
Until then!
PS: A big Happy Birthday to my good friend Giggles and also a thank you for the Quesadilla Recipe. It's certainly versatile and recipes for one are very helpful indeed!
Good luck tomorrow lovely! Speak to you in the evening xx