Lunch: A Vietnamese roll spread with a quarter avocado, baby cos lettuce, 84g double-smoked ham, half a tomato and one slice of Bega Tasty cheese. I also ate the other half of the tomato on the side and two Kiwi fruit with the skin on.
Afternoon Temptation: In our team meeting at work today my boss brought in lollies, the Natural Confectionery Co ones. As soon as she put the bowls down I went "Ooo" and reached. My hand stopped about 20cm from the nearest bowl and I didn't even look at them after that. They were all eaten but I didn't have a single one.
Dinner: Tonight I was dining with Mr Smart so I stopped at Hills Poultry Creations and bought two chicken and avocado filo pastries and one spinach and ricotta. We each had one of the chicken and half of the spinach and ricotta. I realise that with pre-prepared meals I don't have a great deal of control over the content, but they were yummy and that was all I had so I don't feel it was overboard or a particularly bad choice.
After-dinner Temptation: There were two after dinner temptations, one I would've quite liked to give into but my efforts to be naughty were thwarted by Mr Smart's admission that he had in fact polished off the bottle of Frangelico so there was none left for me to taste! The second was a bowlful of walnuts. Now my doctor did say that walnuts were an acceptable nut to consume, but I wasn't hungry so I declined.
On-the-way-home Temptation: Passing Bell Street Maccas on a cold night at ten past midnight it not always an easy ask and the Filet of Fish is definitely starting to creep up on the craving stakes but I managed to pass it up today. Hopefully I can kill off the desire with a homemade fish burger some night in the next week.
I didn't end up going on the cross-trainer today, but I'm not going to punish myself for that by getting on it now (1:36am). I have the doctor's appointment tomorrow morning to get the cholesterol results and I have a feeling that will be punishing enough!
Highlights for the day:
- Big thanks to Jodes for emailing me lots of tasty low-cal recipes!
- $88.67 in new Lego and Lego accessories. It's Lego!! I need no excuse!
- Curling up on the couch watching The Woman In Black with Mr Smart.
- Another book in the mailbox! We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver.
- Remembering it's bin night! I should really put a reminder in my phone as some clever person keeps remarking...
I will let you all know the test results in tomorrow's blog. Hopefully they are better than I fear but bad enough to keep me motivated.
What was the Woman In Black like...I meant to go and see it!!!!