There wasn't much of today.
Did a bit more laundry getting things ready for work tomorrow and started pottering around in my pig-sty of an office, cleaning up and trying to find all the documents necessary for the annual pilgrimage to the accountant to see what I can gouge back from the government.
I'm struck by how much crap I still have lying around my house. I checked the council leaflet on my fridge and my hard rubbish week for this year is coming up on August 6th. I am going to try and make this the year that I actually get rid of the big clutter that lies around, bulky and useless.
Dinner was unplanned for and unfortunately unpleasant as a result. I had a few cans of ready made meals on the shelf and thought, for the want of ordering takeaway, I'd just get rid of one of those. So with a can of Heinz Big'N Chunky Butter Chicken in hand it was off to the microwave. Let's break down the claims on the can versus the actual meal shall we?
Do you see many chunks?? Check it against the picture on the can! It was maybe 40% chunks if that.
Claim 2 Butter Chicken -
In all that I ate of it (about half, including all chunks) there were two pieces of chicken. The ingredients states 78% vegetables and 5% chicken. That's bloody cheek right there.
Claim 3 Fills you up - Maybe if I'd been able to stomach it all but I stopped after half of this salty/sugary pap. It even looks revolting and was texturally paste-y.
Claim 4 Tender Chicken - What little chicken there was was overcooked and dry even swimming in all that gravy purporting to be butter chicken sauce.
Claim 5 5.5 Serves of Vegies - Only if you eat the whole can which states that it contains 2 servings! I know they clarify that in teeny tiny writing to cover their butts. The whole two serves thing is dodgy as though because they market it as a ready meal in a can, not a ready meal for two in a can.
So since I was still hungry after that abomination I toasted an english muffin. One half had Vegemite and cheese and one half had Nutella for which I make no apologies!! I did only use about a teaspoonful. And then I had a Kiwi fruit with skin on and 20g of Lindt 85% Coca dark chocolate.
I didn't exercise today but I didn't sit still all day either. Yeah, sounds like justification to me too...
I watched Switch today! A classic movie from my teen years. It was as good as I remembered (which is somewhere in the B-grade grouping, but I love it all the same). It was kind of weird watching a movie by myself, but in a good way. It's a feel good movie and funny and it was nice to have the company of it. I find sometimes I need the TV on or music just to stop the quiet.
Well it must be time for me to head off. I still have a few chores to do to prepare for work tomorrow and I've started a new book, We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver (who is a woman I discovered). So far it's an interesting read and I could see straight away why they cast Tilda Swinton in the lead of it's movie adaptation. I've not seen it yet but Captain Cupcake and I decided we'd both read the book, then see the movie together.
Until tomorrow chaps,
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