Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15 - Lazy Sunday

  There wasn't much of today.

  Breakfast at noon was half a Khobz wholemeal flatbread spread with Rosella Low-Joule Fruit Chutney then layered with baby spinach, four slices of salami, one slice of Bega Tasty cheese and two fried eggs (fried in cooking spray only).  I like the contrast of the cold spinach and salami nestled against the hot eggs.  The flatbread was a little dry but I think that's end of use-by staleness.

  Did a bit more laundry getting things ready for work tomorrow and started pottering around in my pig-sty of an office, cleaning up and trying to find all the documents necessary for the annual pilgrimage to the accountant to see what I can gouge back from the government.
  I'm struck by how much crap I still have lying around my house.  I checked the council leaflet on my fridge and my hard rubbish week for this year is coming up on August 6th.  I am going to try and make this the year that I actually get rid of the big clutter that lies around, bulky and useless.

  Dinner was unplanned for and unfortunately unpleasant as a result.  I had a few cans of ready made meals on the shelf and thought, for the want of ordering takeaway, I'd just get rid of one of those.  So with a can of Heinz Big'N Chunky Butter Chicken in hand it was off to the microwave.  Let's break down the claims on the can versus the actual meal shall we?

Claim 1 Big'N Chunky -
Do you see many chunks?? Check it against the picture on the can!  It was maybe 40% chunks if that.
Claim 2 Butter Chicken -
In all that I ate of it (about half, including all chunks) there were two pieces of chicken.  The ingredients states 78% vegetables and 5% chicken.  That's bloody cheek right there.
Claim 3 Fills you up - Maybe if I'd been able to stomach it all but I stopped after half of this salty/sugary pap.  It even looks revolting and was texturally paste-y.
Claim 4 Tender Chicken - What little chicken there was was overcooked and dry even swimming in all that gravy purporting to be butter chicken sauce.
Claim 5 5.5 Serves of Vegies - Only if you eat the whole can which states that it contains 2 servings! I know they clarify that in teeny tiny writing to cover their butts.  The whole two serves thing is dodgy as though because they market it as a ready meal in a can, not a ready meal for two in a can.

  So since I was still hungry after that abomination I toasted an english muffin.  One half had Vegemite and cheese and one half had Nutella for which I make no apologies!!  I did only use about a teaspoonful.  And then I had a Kiwi fruit with skin on and 20g of Lindt 85% Coca dark chocolate.

  I didn't exercise today but I didn't sit still all day either.  Yeah, sounds like justification to me too...

I watched Switch today!  A classic movie from my teen years.  It was as good as I remembered (which is somewhere in the B-grade grouping, but I love it all the same).  It was kind of weird watching a movie by myself, but in a good way.  It's a feel good movie and funny and it was nice to have the company of it.  I find sometimes I need the TV on or music just to stop the quiet.
  Well it must be time for me to head off.  I still have a few chores to do to prepare for work tomorrow and I've started a new book, We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver (who is a woman I discovered).  So far it's an interesting read and I could see straight away why they cast Tilda Swinton in the lead of it's movie adaptation.  I've not seen it yet but Captain Cupcake and I decided we'd both read the book, then see the movie together.
  Until tomorrow chaps,

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