Work was definitely a little less stressful today and I finally worked out what to do about a journalling issue I'd been worrying at. I also got a few unread emails dealt with which always fills me with a sense of having done something because I can see the number of outstanding items reduce before my very eyes! The morning was also brightened considerably by Mr Smart's amusing coining of the word 'halfiversary'.
I celebrated with a whole navel orange for afternoon tea, eaten over the staff kitchen sink, the orange oil and scent of the juice filling the air. One of my colleagues, who has recently left for greener pastures, always ate his orange at 3:00pm in that manner so it gave me pause to think fondly of him and wonder if he wasn't at that very moment, eating his orange somewhere else, but with me all the same. A nice ripe orange is a lovely thing.
After work I headed toward Malvern to eat a light dinner with a friend, TwoWrongs. He and I met at the housewarming party of a mutual friend about two years ago, we share some common interests and opinions and I've certainly counted him among my friends all that time, but today was the first time we'd actually met since then.
Although I did not end up getting time to get on the cross trainer tonight, I did walk a total of 2km up and down a gradual slope to get to and from TwoWrong's place to Grill'd.
I had the 'Baa Baa' Burger which they describe as "Grilled 100% grass fed lean lamb, avocado, tasty cheese, salad [baby cos lettuce and tomato], relish & herbed mayo". I had it on their 'Traditional' bread, a wholemeal/white blend.
The Grill'd 'Baa Baa' Burger - It was delicious! |
TwoWrongs had a steak sandwich along with their delicious chips and herbed mayo dipping sauce. I did not order chips, nor did I succumb to their charms, even when nominally offered. We also stopped on the way back so TwoWrongs could have a latte at a nice cafe/restaurant but I stuck with water.
He has an impressive collection of Australian and British comedy on vinyl! And I was very excited and grateful to receive a copy of the entire collection of episodes of I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again! We sat around talking of anything and nothing and before we knew it was 11:00pm and a work night for both of us (and always a blog night for me or I seem to get complaints!) so off home I went.
I missed taking my after dinner blood sugar reading as I hadn't thought to bring my meter with me and hadn't thought I'd be out so late but I'm not overly worried as I've not had a single high reading in a week now.
At this point my masses of cleaning and moving furniture seem to have gone by the wayside. I'll have to make a concerted effort tomorrow night to ensure that on Thursday I only have the strenuous furniture moving left which the wonderful Mr Smart has offered to help me with. It is now 1:00am; definitely too late to be up on a work night!
Until tomorrow,