I went through my normal routine, shower, do hair, dress.. but because I'd gotten up to my alarm, rather than four snooze buttons later, I had time to make a nice cooked breakfast for myself and Mr Smart.
I grabbed four rashers of short cut bacon, diced it up and put it on to fry and crisp up. I made a quick, unfortunately instant, coffee for Mr Smart. He has one of those clever little Nespresso pod coffee machines so my poor old instant, even though it is Moccona Indulgence, doesn't really compare. I walked it through to the bedside table and returned to the kitchen to tend to the rest of breakfast.
I whisked up a mix of five eggs, some milk, a little chopped chive paste and some salt and pepper and put that on and began to scramble it! Once the eggs started to look like they were suitably scrambling, I popped two slices of Bürgen Wholemeal & Seeds bread into the toaster then rushed back to continue the rapid stirring and scraping of the eggs. Around this time, I added the bacon pieces to the egg.
Regrettably I had to rush off to work after that lovely start to the morning, leaving Mr Smart to his own devices. I got a text when he arrived home.
It just said "Mmmm coffee..."
Work wasn't too bad, most of the managers were madly getting ready for conferences being held this week so that left me to tidying up loose ends at my desk. I got through quite a few little jobs and managed to at least sort 'the master in-pile'. It will be a mess again by the time I leave tomorrow afternoon I expect, but at least I got momentary satisfaction from seeing a piece of my desk shine through today.
For lunch I had the other half of yesterday's filled Batard, Rosella Sweet Mustard Pickle, silverside, cheese and baby spinach, again toasted in the sandwich press and also accompanied by a 'dessert' of 150g of fresh pineapple pieces. And for an afternoon snack I had a large green nashi pear.
After work I actually remembered to go to the supermarket and get ingredients for my planned-on-the-fly dinner. My brain seems to function much better when it has my Weekly Planner.
I wanted something quick easy and healthy for dinner, and since I don't have my Weekly Planner set up for obvious reasons, it had to be something that didn't involve anything from the freezer and it had to be something easy and quick because tonight I needed to pack and prepare for tomorrow's trip home to Adelaide. So pizza it was.
I made two homemade mini pizzas. Previously I've used the full size Wholemeal Khobz flatbreads but this time I used the small size ones. They are about a quarter of the size of the big one, so it was still cutting down the quantity. This was good for two reasons.. 1) the big ones are a little too big and leave me quite full and 2) this way I got to make two flavours of pizza!
I took the two small Khobz and spread each one with Leggos Pizza Sauce and put a big handful of fresh rocket on each. Then I topped the first one shredded ham and sliced Perino snacking tomatoes and the other one with six slices of pepperoni, fresh sliced mushrooms and a few dollops of Lemnos Marinated Persian Feta. I sprinkled both with some Mainland Finely Shredded Light Tasty cheese and they went into the oven for twenty minutes. There were some leftover Perino snacking tomatoes and a few extra button mushrooms so I ate those as an appetizer.
While my pizzas cooked, I got started on a few little chores. The first thing was filling a postal satchel of things to go to Brisbane. Despite my busyness I didn't want to forget to send a birthday present to Earnest's daughter and I also had some Melbourne Zoo magazines for his son and a book each for him and Lord Koshington. Next I started packing my bag for Adelaide. Rest assured, I remembered to pack my laptop and cables for 'blogging on the run'.
The oven timer went off and I ate my scrumptious pizza in front of an episode of Futurama. It was nice to have a break from the world. The two pizzas were understandably less filling than a big one would have been but they were still pretty adequate. I dealt with any remaining hunger by eating a large mostly unripe banana and a handful of fresh blueberries.
All things considered, I think I did pretty well today. I didn't exercise because I just really didn't feel like it (even though I know I probably won't tomorrow either because of the flights) but I still made pretty good food choices and that's enough for me today.
Blog timing may well be a little haphazard this weekend but you'll just have to bear with me. Now I must head off and finish packing and perhaps get a load of dishes done too before collapsing into bed with a book.
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