I went shopping at lunch time too, to try to find a new bra. I have picked one that I like in the 'Fuller Figure' range at Target but they don't seem to have it in my size. They even rang around three other stores for me but none had the size I wanted. On the plus side, they have lots of other pretty ones and they also have cool tape measure things to help you find what your size is and they have 'The Bra Book' which guides you on bra selection. Good tools so I nabbed one of each. I will remeasure myself tomorrow night using their handy dandy tools and make sure I'm at least looking for the right size. If I'm not then I can try looking again!
The only bugger about today was having to start an hour earlier today but at least it meant I could leave at 5pm today. I got home that little bit earlier and the night was that much more productive as a result. I got home, brought in the dry washing, put another load on, cooked dinner, ate dinner, hung the new load of washing out then did my exercise. I was all finished by 9pm.
I got my water bill today... eep! Apparently the only thing stopping me from going broke previously was not having an instant hot water system. I really will have to start using that shower timer. But not tomorrow. I will need my long cosy shower tomorrow. If I thought I was up early today, that's nothing compared to tomorrow. I am going to a corporate breakfast function thingy tomorrow morning which starts at 7am. That's my normal first snooze button time! I've got to be showered, dressed and drive almost to work by then!
Today's food and exercise were:
- Breakfast was yoghurt with berries, All-Bran Fibre Toppers, slivered almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
- Morning snack was a Kiwi fruit with the skin on.
- Lunch was a Mission Wholegrain Wrap spread with Masterfoods Corn Relish then topped with 114g of shaved ham, truss tomato, two slices of Bega Extra Light Tasty cheese and cucumber slices. I also had three Perino snacking tomatoes and four large green olives stuffed with feta. The olives were so salty! I think two would've done.
- Afternoon snack was a yummy tart juicy passionfruit.
- Dinner was a salmon cake with baby pak choy salad and sweet chilli and lime dressing.
- Dessert was 20g of Lindt 85% Cocoa dark chocolate.
- Exercise was 42 minutes on the cross trainer at load 2. I'd seen tonight's Buffy before but that didn't stop me getting involved!
I was trying to catch up with Giggles on Skype tonight, but she seems to have gone missing in action. I briefly chatted to Bas, a Canadian friend, in her absence but he had to run off too. At any rate, with such an earlier start tomorrow (shush Bertie, it's early for me!) I should probably be heading to bed soon.
I finished The Opposite of Life by Narelle M Harris last night. I really rather liked it. Now of course, I'm going to have to buy the sequel. You hooked me Narelle! Well done! I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a nice light fiction at bed time, particularly if you like vampire stories. I don't know what I'll start next. Probably not the diet book. I flipped through a chapter last night and felt my whole body cringe. It's pure nonsense. I suspect I will have to start my Joe Abercrombie trilogy. but then that is a three book commitment so maybe I'll wait a smidge.
At any rate, I should be getting to bed. Goodnight all and have a pleasant tomorrow. Hopefully yours starts later than an alarm blaring inconsiderately at 5:45am. Seriously, times before 6am just shouldn't exist.
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