Now for all of you freaking out and wondering what's wrong with me. I've always had occasional dizzy spells, ever since I was a teenager. Partly it's naturally low blood pressure which is now back to low since I lost all the weight that was bringing it up to normal or even high. But the usual triggers are not enough sleep (ding ding ding, we have a winner) or not enough fuel in the morning (low blood sugar). Either way, resting on the floor and having a low GI carbohydrate to eat seem to be the cure.
How do I intend to prevent said horribleness from recurring? Well for one thing from now on, regardless of whether the blog is done or not, I need to go to bed by 10pm if I plan to keep waking up at 6am. For another, I need to remember to include a cereal or toast with breakfast, yoghurt and fruit alone just don't cut it. This new plan might see me late on blogs occasionally but I'd rather do that than go through this morning's train ride again.
The rest of day went relatively well. I was head down in invoices all day prompting my Ops Manager to say I was worrying him with my complete lack of questions. I assured him I was saving them all up for tomorrow.

I did try for it in Italian as well but apparently they only stock Italian reference books and no fiction. They did point me to the Ciao Italia Bookshop in Caroline Springs though, so I passed on that name to Granny C along with direction to try AbeBooks for second-hand copies of dear Frau Tiggy Winkle. I even, while browsing, found a French language bookshop in Australia called Le Forum who are based in Fremantle, WA of all places. I'm sure there must be a German one somewhere but it's making itself hard to find.
Today's food and exercise were:
- Breakfast was mixed berries with Jalna low fat vanilla yoghurt and a sprinkling of slivered almonds, sunflower seeds and craisins.
- Early morning snack out of necessity was a dried peach half, two Brazil Nuts, two pecan nut halves, two hazelnuts, two cashews and four almonds.
- Early morning snack to be on the safe side was a small yellow-flesh nectarine.
- Morning snack was a small unripeish banana.
- Exercise was a 1.4km walk to the Foreign Language Bookshop and back, completed in about 17 minutes all up.
- Lunch was a spinach and ricotta roll and a steak and bacon pie with sauce from Brumby's.
- Dinner was a 300g mild masala dhal with two slices of toasted Abbott's Village Bakery harvest seeds & grains bread.
- Dessert was 20g of Lindt 85% Cocoa dark chocolate.
The rest of the day was pretty stock standard. I had a nice commute home, I even had a seat by golly, and I did some laundry and chatted away to people while blogging. I seem to have finished the blog in a relatively timely manner so I've got about half an hour to muck about on the computer before I curl up in bed with Pengi and a short story.
Goodnight everyone!
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