I decided not to eat breakfast today. My blood sugar was still 5.8 when I got up so I figured it could survive until the high tea. I headed off just before 11am and parked at Eureka on Southbank and walked down to today's venue, The Waiting Room. I got there in plenty of time and sat in the Crown Towers lobby awaiting my three companions.
I hadn't realised until this morning that The Waiting Room was a Neil Perry venture. The discovery left me curious about what I'd soon experience. I've never been a big Neil Perry fan. It's not his food, which all sounds fabulous, rather it's his constant 'marketability'. Everything he is forms part of his 'brand identity' right down to his silly pony-tail. I don't know the man personally so obviously he may well be a hunky-dory bloke, but when I see him in the media, I see a construct, not a chef passionate about his food.
As I reflected on this, Masterchef and Miss M arrived, followed shortly by Fly Girl and shortly after the doors opened and we were seated and run through the process. Despite any reservations I might have had, the staff were knowledgeable and attentive and the food was great. The scones I think we unanimously agreed were the best part, with a divine made on premises strawberry compote/jam and Chantilly cream with vanilla bean. They had a crunchy orange topping on them which just made the jam and cream sing.
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High Tea Montage - Please click for larger version. |
I chose to have the Silver Needle tea. A white tea, quite delicate with a dash of bitter, and a lovely way to round out the meal after all the sweets!
The conversation flowed thick and fast. These three lovely ladies are long-time friends of Mr Smart's so I am new to the group but they've made me feel very welcome right from the start. We chatted about where to buy a new sports bra (I think I need one at this point), holiday plans, baking, lifestyle, family, personal history, funny things that happened before my time but were nonetheless entertaining. It was a really great afternoon.
We took two whole hours to enjoy each morsel and each moment. Once the bill was settled we went to the lobby to say our goodbyes and fix a date for our next high tea event! I'm so glad there will be more occasions, it was such fun. I headed back to my car deciding whether or not to go Mali hunting. I knew there were three more to go in the city area within walking distance and it didn't take long in the beautiful sunshine to decide that yes, I rather felt like a walk.
I had allowed for the possibility earlier in the day and taken a change of top, a jumper and some socks and sneakers in the boot. I had the foresight to back my car into it's space and leave plenty of room at the rear so it was a simple matter of quickly whipping off my pretty going-out top and slipping on my t-shirt then sitting on the back of my car to change shoes!
To see today's three Malis, click here and scroll down to the September 9 heading.
I covered quite a lot of ground today, all on foot. I went from Eureka up along Southbank passing a lovely low-profile sculpture called World within, world without by Helen Bodycomb. Then over the Yarra on Queensbridge to the Enterprize Wharf to capture a rather stunning trick of light appearing at the top of the Eureka Tower.
Just as I finished photographing the unusual effect, I was approached by a young Chinese couple brandishing an iPhone. I thought it would be a request to take a photo of them but the request was a little more unusual. I was informed that it was the birthday of the young lady's father.
Since he was still living in China she wanted to make him a video of random people all wishing him a Happy Birthday! So they filmed me waving and saying "Happy Birthday from Australia Lucy's father" then they went and asked some other people nearby who also obliged. It was just one of those amusing moments life throws at you.
After that I continued up William, left at Collins to spot my first Mali in the lobby of the Intercontinental Hotel. I was joined there by an ambitious group of three small girls and their female guardian (wasn't sure if she was mother, aunty or youngish granny). They were trying to see all fifty Mali's in the one day! By 2:30pm this was their 21st for the day, so much as I admired their pluck I don't think they were going to make it. I did offer to take a photo of the four of them together which they took me up on.
From there it was turn right up King Street, left at Bourke, through Spencer Street station then back down to Bourke Street ground level, to spot my second Mali, then along Harbour Esplanade to my third and final Mali. There was a rather comical yet pitiful sight not far from that corner. A pasty-skinned waifish young man with blonde dredlocks all up in a purple rasta hat, swaying in that way only someone stoned, drunk or both can. He was trying continuously but without success to hail a taxi.
It was at this point, with elephants all spotted, that I did contemplate catching the City Circle Tram back to Flinders Street. But it was such a lovely day I decided to continue walking. I went up Latrobe and then turned right back down William Street and followed it all the way back. I'm very glad that I did walk because right near the bottom of William I spotted a touch of yarn bombing! I must've missed it on my way up.
All in all I covered 5.5km which took almost spot on two hours including all the pausing for photos and participating in other people's days out. You can see the route below. For once I was able to force google maps to do what I asked it to!
I've been surprised to find how much I'm enjoying just being on my own wandering around as a tourist in my own city. It's been immense fun having these little adventures. I have a feeling that once Mali is all gone I shall have to find new excuses!
Once I got home I got in my dry laundry and did another load and got started on today's rather longish blog entry. I found myself a little hungry by 8:30pm so I had a serve of the veggie heavy chile con carne that I made on Friday. I didn't add the wrap or the cheese this time but it looks a bit dowdy as dinners go so I didn't bother taking its photo today.
After that it was time to get on with planning for the weeks ahead. Things are starting to look pretty busy for the next few months. Some weeks will have more than a few temptations so we will just have to see how I go. I'm finding it easier and easier to get back on the wagon each time though so here's hoping I am able to impress myself!
Despite the high tea today with all it's marvellous sugary goodness, the walk must've done something to help it balance out because my blood sugar reading two hours after dinner was only 5.3! The blood sugar reading of course gives you no indication at all of calories consumed but at least I'm getting one part of my health right. I'll weigh in tomorrow morning to see how I'm going overall. Gub has expressed an interest in knowing how my fitness levels are improving as well. I think that's a great suggestion so I will work out how to incorporate that going forward.
That's it for my fun-filled day! Hope you had lovely weekends too.
Hey hey, great news about the fitness thing and that the sun is coming out over there - it's all-but-gone here today, but we've had a couple of lovely weekends. Just wanted to suggest a site called mapmyrun.com which allows you to dot-point your route (based on a google map) and tells you distances. Key thing is it allows you to do as the crow flies across parks, etc and walking tracks, etc. xxx