Shower, dress, breakfast and off to the doctor's with me. Dr Tanya was very happy with my results so far. She scanned my blood glucose readings, weighed me on her scales (on hers I come up as 108kg with clothes on but they are very old scales so I don't trust them) and took my blood pressure. Today it was 131/88 with a pulse rate 83. She said that is still perfectly good and acceptable, and understandably a little higher than last time because she could see I was excited with telling her everything I'd been doing.
She wrote me out a new script for my anti-baby pills and ordered the next round of tests, so it's no food for me after 8pm tonight! Tomorrow morning, first thing before breakfast I am off to the Dorevitch lab for blood tests. I am getting fasting blood glucose, fasting cholesterol, iron, vitamin D and urine microalbumin and I should get the results the following weekend.
I got back from the doctors, paid a bill I wasn't happy about and am still pursuing credit on, and then got ready to head off into the city. I was at the bus stop, I could see the bus a few hundred metres away, and my mobile buzzed. My lunch date, an old work colleague, was texting me to cancel. He got pulled into an unexpected meeting and so we postponed to my next day off. Lucky his text got to me before the bus pulled up!
That had me at a bit of a loose end so I decided to write out a shopping list and get some of tomorrow's chores and errands done early! The weather was turning dark and gloomy so it seemed as good a day as any to get that sort of thing out of the way.
Now yesterday, I had a chat with a neighbour from up the street. He's a retired man who looks after his aged mother and he doesn't have a car anymore so I had said to him, if he ever needed to go shopping he should call on me and if I'm going I'll happily take him along with me. He must be psychic because the second I started to write out my shopping list there was a knock at the door! It made me laugh to see him, but I was happy to have the company and off we went to the shops together. It didn't take long and I we didn't get stuck in the rain too much. I dropped him home and went back and unpacked my own groceries.
I had a few other errands to run today so I went out again shortly after, this time to Waverley Gardens to visit Medicare (partly related to the aforementioned evil bill that I'm not happy about) and also to pick up my raincheck from Target. That's right! You are now reading the words of a Philips AirFryer owner. Low-fat sweet potato chips and crispy air-fried schnitzels here I come! I will be taking it for a test run on Sunday evening.
I got home to find that yet again my Australian Gourmet Traveller magazine had chosen to arrive on a rainy day. Argh! It wasn't too bad as at least it wasn't in the rain all day today, only for an hour or so. I separated out the wet pages and put it in front of the heater to dry while I made and ate my lunch.
After lunch around half past one a funny thing happened in front of my place. The police pulled a guy over, donned pairs of blue latex gloves and proceeded to go over both the driver and his vehicle in minute detail! They were definitely looking for something and my guess would be drugs. The driver was fully cooperative and though I didn't hear any words, his demeanor seemed to say "It's ok, I know you're just doing your job". In the end they mustn't have found anything as they shook hands, thanked him and let him go with no further action. A little mini-drama for the day.
After that I did some laundry, got my exercise done and a few bits and pieces. Then I ate an early dinner to be sure of meeting the 8pm deadline and brushed my teeth to ensure no further eating will tempt me!
Today's food and exercise was:

- Breakfast was yoghurt, berries, Fibre Toppers, slivered almonds and pumpkin seeds.
- Morning snack was small unripe-ish banana.
- Lunch was a Mission Rye Wrap spread with about 30g Yumi's Hummus then topped with 54g of Pastoral rare roast beef, sliced mushrooms, Lebanese cucumber and alfalfa sprouts.
- Afternoon snack was eight brazil nuts and two dried peach halves.
- Exercise was 41 minutes on the cross trainer. We are now at a section of episodes of Buffy that I have seen before but I'm still looking forward to them.
- Dinner was a bowl of mild veggie-heavy chilli con carne served with a toasted Mission Rye Wrap filled with two sliced of Bega Extra Light Tasty cheese. Nom! Quesadilla substitute! That was the last serve of the mild batch too, next time it will be the new improved spicy recipe with chickpeas.
- Dessert was 20g Lindt 85% Cocoa dark chocolate.
It is now 6:30pm, I have ceased eating for the day and commenced my pre-blood test fasting. I am now going to settle in for a night of blobbing out on the couch watching Futurama and Terry Jones BBC documentaries. Have a lovely weekend! Go Hawks! Go Storm!
Commence Operation Blob Out! |
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