Off I went to Chaddie bright and early for my training session. I touched base with a few people at head office beforehand, dropped off some paperwork, mingled (or 'networked' as cynics might have it) and then a few minutes before 9:00am, walked into the wrong training room. I backed up and found the right one and got there just in time.
My facilitator for the day was Jeff. I hate the word facilitator, it's so buzz-wordy, but I really liked his style and what he brought us in the session. Today was all about employee development planning and career planning. It's not something I'd given a great deal of thought to before, not considering myself a 'career' person, but it gave me some valuable insights that I think will be useful not only at work but in life.

The proposal of Flow Psychology is the work of a Hungarian psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Basically, if the challenge is low and your skills are high you'll get bored and in the reverse situation you'll get anxiety. The idea is that where your skills and challenges almost meet you are 'in flow' and life is good, happy and satisfying.
Not bad eh?
As suspected there were only lollies on the table but luckily I remembered a double nut snack pack. That is eight almonds, four hazelnuts, four pecan halves, four brazil nuts and two dried apricot halves. I took a double quantity as I knew the training went until 12:30pm and I would then have to drive back to Forest Hill before lunch. Normally I eat lunch at noon so the additional snacks helped to see me through.
When I finally did get back to Forest Hill I couldn't be arsed sparing the time to make my wrap so I indulged and got Sushi instead!
I also had a large not quite ripe banana. I was going to have an orange today but I left a very unripe banana sitting on the oranges yesterday and I forgot that putting them near citrus fruits speeds up their ripening so I had to eat it today before it went completely yellow!
I didn't eat anything for about eight hours after that so out of curiosity I tested my blood sugar after the cross trainer but before dinner. It was 3.4! That is below normal range.
I am kind of hoping that maybe I wasn't careful about drying my fingertip and perhaps sweat from the work-out diluted the sample! I don't want it high but low isn't good either!
I had nothing much in the fridge today so I had a Lean Cuisine Creamy Salmon & Dill Pasta for dinner. Oddly enough, I didn't fancy anything afterwards for once.
Before dinner and the cross trainer I had some fun with the bank on the phone. I changed over one of my credit cards and the new one arrived and had to be activated then I had some questions so I made a call. Then I logged in to online banking and found that all the old credit card transactions had disappeared, so I made a call. Then I analysed my home loan and decided to increase my repayments a little to shave off another 2 years (9 years saved so far if I keep it up), so I made a call. Now you might think this was frustrating but I have to say I was impressed. Each call I spoke to one person only and that person answered my query within nine minutes or less. They were all really helpful, particularly Jason in Home Loans. Which bank?
After dinner as I was starting to write today's blog I got upset over something or other and was bemoaning my frustratedly pathetic state to my friend Earnest. I say pathetic, as I could see that it was quite illogical, useless and pointless being upset at something that has a logical reason for being the way it is. Earnest simply and poetically stated "Your Id cares not for reason". Not only poetic but profoundly true!
The Id, as mooted by Sigmund Freud, is your instinctive, unbridled desires and needs. The dark side of you that the Ego keeps in check as it were. Earnest was perfectly right. My Id railed against the 'terrible injustice' as it rails against the continued denial of Peanut M&Ms, Twix, Doritos and Smith's Crinkle Cut! My Ego knows I am not really bruised by today's events, my Id cares not, it only wants.
Recognising that made me feel better almost instantaneously and gave me today's theme to boot! Earnest will of course roll his eyes at my superficial self-analysis and minor epiphanies, but as usual, I will simply laugh and poke out my tongue at him.
Jess :P
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