Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13 - A Luncheon

  I have to start today with an apology!  I was so tired last night that even with my photographic evidence to follow along with I forgot to write in something I ate yesterday!  Last night Bertie had forgotten to buy cat food and as a result, dear fluffy Bender-muss was running around attacking wrists and ankles because she was hungry so I offered to go and get some cat food.  I went, I purchased and came home with pre-dinner snackage.
  Having only eaten a sub some time in the late morning I was very hungry and starting to get headachey so knowing dinner was still an hour and a half away I got some Yumi's Hommus and some Sakata Wholegrain Rice Crackers.  I probably ate about 90g of hommus with around 45g of rice crackers all up, then I told Bertie to stop me having any more as I was still hungry, but could now make it to dinner.  I also drank a Bundaberg Diet Ginger Beer and some low-joule Golden Circle Fruit Cup Cordial during the course of the evening too.  So there you have it, please insert these two paragraphs mentally into the appropriate spot in yesterday's blog!  Now to today!

  My blood sugar this morning was still 6.3 as a result of last night.  Not good, but not terrible.  Just a matter of getting back on the horse yet again.  I don't think I've fallen off yet, just lost my footing in the stirrups occasionally to belabor the metaphor somewhat.  For my breakfast I had yoghurt, berries and fibre toppers.  It still feels good to have a 'usual' breakfast.  I'm too tired in the mornings to find it boring, it's comforting because it requires no thought (until I run out of a key component anyway).
  When I got to work and looked at my calendar I realised that I had a business lunch on today that I'd forgotten all about.  It's a happy occasion when you get to work and realise that you won't actually have to work for three hours in the middle of the day!
 It is Whitehorse Business Week at the moment and a few weeks ago I had booked myself and two other girls in for the 'Women in Business Expo and Luncheon'.  I chose this one as the guest speaker was Maeve O'Meara.  Maeve is an SBS presenter and cook book author and she also runs an amazing foodie business called Gourmet Safaris.
  For my morning snack at I had a half a dried apricot, two brazil nuts, two pecan halves, two hazelnuts and four almonds and at 11:00am we set off for the expo and luncheon being held at the Box Hill Town Hill.  The expo bit basically involves wandering around collecting free pens and notepads, though there were a few interesting stalls this year.
  After the expo portion everyone proceeded to the main hall to be seated for the lunch.  The tables were set with a free water bottle each from Yarra Valley Water and three little chocolates from Sissy's Gourmet Delights (not pictured as I'd already stashed them in my goody sack!).
  I was seated next to Councillor Robert Chong AM (and don't ask, I have no idea what AM stands for.. maybe he's a morning person?).  He had an interesting background in Airforce Materials Engineering but it was a little hard to hear one another so we ate our bread rolls and butter while waiting for the mystery alternating main courses to be revealed.
  The tables were first served with carafes of orange juice, lemon squash and water, I stuck with water for the duration.  I did remark to my marketing chum that I thought water should really have been on the table before everyone was seated.  Beyond the fact that I simply think it should be standard practice to ensure your guests are well hydrated, at an event where your major sponsor is Yarra Valley Water with their 'Choose Tap' promotion having been launched, it seems like a no brainer!
  When the main courses were served it was alternating salmon steaks with bacon-wrapped lamb.  Luckily I was served the salmon so I didn't have to swap with anyone.  The salmon was done skin on and well cooked (though not dry) and served with a small quantity of olive oil mashed potato and one measly strand of broccoli and a couple of roast carrot sticks.  It was quite nice even though I had to remove five little bones.  At least I found them all and didn't swallow any.
  The alternating desserts were poached pears with some sort of custardy concoction or a sticky-date pudding style thing with a dollop of heavy cream.  Needless to say, I plumped for the pears!  Thank you to my dear marketing chum for swapping with me.  After the dessert they served "Fair Trade" tea and coffee.  I didn't have any but was reliably informed that it was quite horrible.
  Regrettably, "Fair Trade" is one of those buzz-phrases that really only indicates that a fair price was paid to the primary producer but it's bandied about as if it gives some sort of guarantee of quality.  On the contrary, often it means that Goody McDoGooder who knows nothing about roasting beans or drying tea leaves is suddenly producing said products with no care for the end-users needs beyond being able to pat themselves on the back for not buying from an evil corporation.  While I support the values behind the Fair Trade movement I do feel it's sometimes poorly applied in a product sense.  But I digress..
  Between the main course and dessert Maeve gave her speech regarding her life, career and dreams made real.  What she said made a lot of sense to me and I found myself wishing I could be doing the sort of things she does with Gourmet Safaris.  But perhaps I was jealous of her overall passion rather than the specifics on which it was focussed.  I often find that when faced with the question "What are you passionate about?" that I can find no immediate answer springing to mind.  Though I do certainly love my food and will get tetchy if someone says anything so blase as 'any old oil will do' so I guess food counts as a passion of mine.  I certainly didn't get to be my size by being ambivalent about food.  I really enjoyed her as a speaker and I was glad I had the opportunity to go.  I must remember to thank the boss tomorrow.
  I brought back all kinds of corporate goodies as well as a great many lollies as most stall holders have a big bowlful, however I distributed most of these among the other staff back at the office.  I did indulge and eat the three Sissy's Gourmet Delights hand-made truffles.  There was a peppermint, a raspberry and a caramel.  All three were delicious and I happily had no further craving after consuming them.  The serve was only 15g and 274kj so if I'm going to have regular chocolate every now and then I suppose that nice truffles is the way to do it!
  After work I grabbed a few ingredients for a homemade pizza dinner with Captain Cupcake and headed home.  She was already patiently waiting for me when I arrived so we set about pizza making immediately.
  Mine contained a Khobz wholemeal flatbread, Leggo's Pizza Sauce, shredded ham, baby spinach, prawns, bocconcini, some rainbow salad, lots of mushrooms and some finely shredded Mainland Light Tasty cheese.
  The pizzas only take about twenty minutes in the oven so while we waiting I loaded up our movie.  Cupcake and I have both recently read We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver so we decided to watch the movie together and then discuss everything.  Our conclusion?  Read the book.  The movie, while it deals with story effectively, just loses too much nuance and detail.
  We had a funny moment in conversation which tickled Cupcake's fancy so she insisted I share it here.  We strayed onto my Photo A Day Challenge briefly as I'm a few days behind because I can't think of an image I want to use to represent "Strength" which was the challenge on the 11th.  She said "I suppose you could use a dumbbell but I guess you don't have any of those"  I responded vaguely "No, I've divorced him".
  Until tomorrow my friends,

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