As I left the centre today I had to stop and wonder, where did my lovely spring day go? It was balmy and sunny when I left for work and by the time I was heading home it was dark, dismal and wet! Also, why the hell do my Australian Gourmet Traveller magazines only arrive on wet days? And why do they wrap them in such flimsy plastic!? This is the second month in a row I've had to dry it in front of the heater and pry apart the soggy pages!
I suppose really that's just typical Melbourne weather, but it was a damn nuisance. On the plus side, the letters beneath, shielded by my soggy mag, were bone dry. Handy, as one of them was a rather important piece of paper. Yes folks, I received my Divorce Order today. Sure it was granted on Saturday of last week but it's still nice to have the proof in black and white (and red).
Am I happy about it? Sam and I weren't happy together and reconciling our differences didn't seem possible or desirable so divorcing was the right thing to do, but I also don't think divorce is really something to celebrate. I am glad that it's all over, signed, sealed and delivered. Now let us never speak of it again.
After doing the cross trainer, I cooked!
I took a 500g jar of Raguletto Pasta Sauce with Basil and Red Wine, 500g of Coles Extra Lean Beef Mince, a 400g can of Champignons and about 120g of fresh mushrooms and turned them into a pretty plain but hearty bolognese which I served on a mix of wholemeal and coloured pasta spirals (75g dry weight) and a sprinkling of Mainland Finely Shredded Light Tasty cheese on top. It was very satisfying and made three extra serves, one for tomorrow and two in the freezer.
Chuffed at my ever improving ability to take care of myself, I experienced a mild burst of productivity. I emptied the bins including cleaning out out the historical items from the freezer, I put on a load of dishes, unpackaged my new armchair with storage ottoman, vacuumed up the loose packaging guff, put the bulk of the packaging in the bin and dragged the bin to the kerb.
It really didn't take all that long, half an hour or so, which left me wondering what the hell stops me from doing it more often. I think the fact that there always seems to be too much to do overwhelms me, so rather than pick up just one thing, I resort to doing nothing. Sometimes knowing that helps me overcome it, sometimes not. Luckily tonight it did. Hopefully as I do more things, it will get easier and easier to just do them.
Tonight's Blog Music: Old Crow Medicine Show*
*Warning: Contains large quantities of bluegrass.
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