Haribo and I stayed back after the meeting to examine the finance problems in more detail than had been appropriate in the meeting. After we had sorted that out my curiosity got the better of me and I asked him about his accent and travels. I discovered he was German and proud of it and that he is also interested in photography but like me, finds it difficult to get out there on his own to take photos. He was clearly very passionate about it and I suggested we should go on a photo taking expedition one day. I find that the company of others begats creativity in that respect. He thought that sounded good so we'll see what comes of it. I'm sure my photography would benefit from it!
I spent the rest of the morning dealing with outstanding utility bills. Energy companies can be so very tiresome. I enjoyed my cupcake for morning tea and although I had a soup ready to go in the fridge, I decided instead to use one of my coupons and have Mad Mex for lunch with Bella, one of my coworkers. I've been feeling a bit isolated from everyone in that long narrow office so it was really lovely to sit down outside of the office and have a good natter. I've known Bella for a few years as we've both been within the company for a long time so it was easy to chat and enjoy each other's company.

I headed home after that and a couple of hours later I was joined by TwoWrongs for movie night! We grabbed food from the Kebab Joint, cranked up my heater to stave off the cold and flicked on Kronk's New Groove, the direct to DVD sequel to one of our mutually favourite Disney movies, The Emperor's New Groove. It was most definitely a direct to DVD film, but it had all the original voice actors and it was funny and had a funky soundtrack. It was a worthwhile watch for Disney fans.
Our second pick for the night was Undercover Brother. It was a relatively funny if a little cringeworthy, parody blaxsploitation film in which 'The Brotherhood', an all black secret agency, fights to triumph over an evil all white corporation run by super-villain 'The Man'. It definitely poked fun at itself and at the whole genre. Chris Kattan as 'Mr Feather' was particularly amusing as an evil henchman struggling to hold back his inner-black-guy.
Friday's food was:
- Two slices of toasted Bürgen wholemeal and seeds bread spread with butter and topped with sliced tomato.
- Morning snack was a delicious vanilla cupcake with vanilla buttercream frosting from The Cupcake Queens in Williamstown courtesy of my lovely predecessor.
- Lunch was carnitas quesedillas with pico di gallo, sour cream and salsa dipping sauces from Mad Mex.
- Afternoon snack was a green nashi pear.
- Friday night drinkies was a small glass of Sauvignon Blanc, not my cup of tea as it turns out, and some plain and salt n vinegar chips.
- Dinner was Iskender from the Kebab Joint. It is described as: Traditional style lamb, served on pita bread with a homemade Iskender (garlic, yoghurt and melted butter sauce) and a tomato sauce. This is not something I will be ordering again. It was not as good as their kebabs and was basically just a tub of doner lamb (the same one that goes in the kebabs) with tomato paste from a jar, the normal garlic sauce and melted butter. Edible, but not good.
- Dessert was a 250ml Tamek sour cherry nectar and a small piece of homemade Turkish Delight. This was good. It was sort of like traditional rose Turkish Delight wrapped in homemade coconut marshmallow!
Two movies makes for a late night so it was goodbyes said and off to bed with no blogs written yet again, but it was another good evening spent in good company. I've been pretty fortunate with that this week, a fact for which I am truly grateful.
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